US stone imports have risen sharply in recent years
In the past five years, the number of natural stone imports in the United States has risen sharply, while the number of exports has remained relatively unchanged. Looking at the statistics of the US natural stone import and export in the last 5 years, we found some curious data. The economic downturn in the early 1990s has now faded, and the number of natural stone imports has risen sharply since 1993, reflecting the rise in construction over the years. However, from an international perspective, the number of stone exports in the United States has remained at a level, which is incompatible with the world market continues to develop stone consumption and its importance.
According to the statistics of the US Department of Commerce, the total import of natural stone in the United States in 1998 exceeded 519.78 billion US dollars, while the total import of natural stone in 1993 was only 41.835 billion US dollars, which indicates that the import volume of stone in the past five years increased by 24%. Stone imports have grown the fastest, with imports totaling only $109.4 billion from 1993, rising to $1,736.3 billion in 1998, an increase of 59%. For this growth trend, it may be explained that housing has a preference for using granite as a kitchen decoration material, which takes away some market share of man-made materials.
On the other hand, the amount of imported marble in the United States has actually declined over the past five years, from $1993 billion in 1993 to $168.17 billion in 1998. The most obvious explanation for this trend is that consumers are now being directed to the wider field of stone.
This reasoning is reflected in the statistics of the US Department of Commerce. Imports of stone such as sandstone, quartz, dolomite and "other" stones that have been classified as "other" stoves have been growing rapidly. In 1993, the total value of such stone imports was only $88.2 million, and in 1998 it jumped to $1.3992 billion, an increase of more than 58%, reflecting the development of US architectural design towards the use of non-abrasive materials. Imports of US sheet metal have increased by 78% in the past five years, from $21.45 million in 1993 to $38.06 million in 1997.
From the perspective of the import volume of specific countries, Italy has always been the largest supplier of natural stone in the United States, and is far ahead. The value of natural stone imported from Italy in 1997 was $2,255.6 billion, with a total value of $97,433 million in the last five years. Although the total value of marble imported from Italy is $87.47 million, the total value of granite is $44.15 million. The total value of imported marble from Italy in 1998 was almost the same as the total value of granite. The total value of imported marble was $89.94 million, while the total value of imported granite was $80.42 million.
From the classification of marble, the materials imported from Mexico in the United States have also grown significantly in the past five years. Due to the influence of the North Atlantic Free Trade Area (including Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States) and the increasing use of limestone by people, the total value of US imports of marble and limestone from Mexico in 1998 reached US$ 22.39 million, almost 1163 in 1993. Twice the dollar.
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