There are differences in the quality of the wallpaper, and consumers should pay attention to the purchase. At present, there are many methods for discriminating wallpapers. It is nothing more than a look at the two touches, four wipes and five sweeps, but as far as consumers are concerned, it is easy to misunderstand the text by copying the text.
Wallpaper to identify the misunderstanding 1: to distinguish the wallpaper with the taste
Not all paper-based PVC wallpapers have a taste, nor are the tasteful wallpapers are paper-based PVC wallpapers, some non-woven fabrics, pure paper wallpapers have the same taste, including imported; there is no taste not only to see the material, but also To see the ink, no matter what wallpaper is printed with ink; the taste does not mean that the formaldehyde exceeds the standard, many inks are tasteful. In addition, hyperthyroidism is a pungent odor, but benzene and xylene and other stupid things may taste a bit fragrant, so sometimes you find that a product is a bit scent, not necessarily good.
Wallpaper discerning misunderstanding 2: judging whether the wallpaper is good or bad by hand
The smooth and delicate feel is not only non-woven fabric, the wallpaper characteristics of pure paper, PVC wallpaper can do the same, and because of this, there are many JS to sell flat-printed PVC wallpaper as pure paper wallpaper, many people are fooled; many People like wallpaper, what they are looking at is the texture and three-dimensionality of the wallpaper. If it is not rough and there is no bump, it will not reflect the texture and three-dimensional sense; for example, the northeastern market in North China, deep embossing, strong three-dimensional PVC wallpaper, suede wallpaper Very popular; Italy, Russia, the Arab world, and more like deep embossed wallpaper;
Wallpaper discerning misunderstanding 3: judging whether the wallpaper is good or bad
Many people think that scrubbing is a good wallpaper, but in fact, the most scrub resistant is just paper-based PVC wallpaper. If the non-woven pure paper wallpaper is rubbed more, it will rise. If it is Korean pure paper, it will be rubbed a few times. Scrubbed; the degree of scrubbing of the wallpaper, the first depends on the material, the second is the craft, if you want non-woven, pure paper wallpaper, you must make some sacrifices in the degree of scrubbing; different materials wallpaper, physics There are certain differences in performance, which is why there are so many kinds of materials in the market. There is no absolute difference between good and bad. It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages;
Wallpaper to identify the misunderstanding 4: fire blisters to distinguish the wallpaper is good or bad
When the wallpaper burns, there is black smoke. It does not mean that the wallpaper is not environmentally friendly. The non-woven fabric is also smoked. The wood burns like black smoke. As long as it does not release toxic substances under normal use, there is no strange smell. . The most water-resistant foam is also the paper-based PVC surface wallpaper. Ten or twenty years ago, the wallpaper was all constructed with water, because the wallpaper at that time was all PVC foam wallpaper, not soaking water too hard, no way paste. Pure paper wallpaper is the easiest to soak, but this does not mean that pure paper wallpaper is not good.
In order to buy a wallpaper suitable for you, you need to choose a big brand according to your actual situation, and use a variety of methods to distinguish the quality of the wallpaper.
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