Let's talk about the linear aluminum square pass. This aluminum square pass can use the diagonal principle to splicing various shapes. Each shape reflects the geometric charm. In particular, the curved aluminum square pass can be installed separately or freely, or semi-circular, or elliptical, which is very geometric.
In fact, the appearance of aluminum square pass is based on geometry, giving full play to the combined characteristics of the ceiling and showing geometric features. Aluminum square pass is the concrete reflection and display of perfect geometry. In the process of the development of the ceiling, there has never been a material like the aluminum square, which gives people unlimited imagination. Let the entire ceiling decoration achieve a variety of dynamic charm.

Steel Body PDC Bits
Great Bits make a very close cooperation with some PDC Drill Bits manufacture in the U.S. and OEM services with CA .
We can provide custom made PDC Bits that are suited for drilling to the Oil & Gas, Geo-Thermal, Water well, Construction and Mining industries.
Material : AISI 4145H ,heat treatment steel .
PDC cutters : Patent cutters and customized by Popular PDC cutters factory in the world .
Improved design : Hard alloy design to prevent wash out the nozzles .
Bit diameters range from 3"to 36" with a variety of cutters and optional back-out cutters as well as various blade counts.
Steel Body PDC Bits
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CANGZHOU GREAT DRILL BITS CO., LTD , https://www.triconerockbits.com