A robotic police patrol appeared in Silicon Valley, California, and the robot was named Knightscope, which is only five inches tall. Although it does not carry any weapons, he can send a signal to the siren to alert the police. Currently it only patrols in Silicon Valley high-tech companies!
According to reports, robot police patrols appeared in Silicon Valley, California. The robot, built by a Silicon Valley high-tech company, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, microphones and even odour sensors, will be able to monitor potential crime in the field. The inventor claimed that the robot police used a technology similar to that of Google.
It is reported that the robot is named Knightscope, which is only five inches high. Although it does not carry any weapons, he can send a signal to the siren to alert the police. It currently patrols only in Silicon Valley high-tech companies, but its inventors hope it will eventually patrol in malls, offices, and even local communities.
Ningbo GDoor interior Automatic Door Operators are engineered by Ningbo GDoor R&D team. Except for the elegant appearance, interactive Automatic Sliding Door operators own unique interactive system which can drive two door leafs at the same time by one motor. And there is an important requirement for the door leafs: single door leaf cannot overweight to100kg. Ningbo GDoor household balance door operators are small-sized balance door operators sharing the same functions with super large balance door operators. Household balance door operators own double door openers which open two door leafs at the same time. And the operating system has self-test function to test the operating status incase of troubleshooting.
Interior Automatic Door Operator
Interior Door Operator,Automatic Door Operators,Handicap Door Operators,Commercial Door Operators
Ningbo Gdoor System Control Technology Co., Ltd. , http://www.gdoor-cn.com