There are 16 kinds of nutrients necessary for crops . Except for hydrocarbons, they are absorbed from the air, and the rest need to be fertilized to meet the needs of normal crop growth. According to the amount of nutrients required by crops, it is divided into a large number of elemental fertilizers, including nitrogen, phosphate and potash; medium amount of elemental fertilizers, including calcium, magnesium and sulfur; and trace element fertilizers, including zinc, boron, manganese, molybdenum, iron and copper. Fertilizer; in addition, there are some beneficial elements such as silicon-containing materials, rare earth elements and so on.
At present, the market-distributed fertilizers are mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and there are many varieties of each fertilizer. The main nitrogen fertilizer varieties are; urea, ammonium bicarbonate (ammonium bicarbonate), ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, as well as ammonia water, lime nitrogen, etc. are also nitrogen fertilizer, but it has been used less. Calcium nitrate is used both as a nitrogen fertilizer and as a calcium fertilizer. The main phosphate fertilizer varieties are superphosphate (calcium), heavy superphosphate (heavy calcium, also known as double material, three-material superphosphate), calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, in addition, phosphate rock powder, steel slag phosphate fertilizer, defluorinated phosphate fertilizer, bone powder is also Phosphate fertilizer, but the current amount is small, and the market is rare. The main potash varieties are potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, salt lake potash, kiln ash potash and grass ash. Among them, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride are relatively pure. Most of the circulating oil in China's market is imported fertilizer. Salt Lake potash is produced in Qinghai Province of China. The main component is potassium. The composition of kiln ash and fertilizer is very complicated. The market circulation is higher than before. Three kinds of potassium fertilizer are less. There are many varieties of trace element fertilizers. The most commonly used boron fertilizer is borax, zinc fertilizer is zinc sulfate, manganese fertilizer is manganese sulfate, molybdenum fertilizer is ammonium molybdate, copper fertilizer is copper sulfate, iron fertilizer is ferrous sulfate and some organic With the deepening of agrochemical research, the application of mixed iron fertilizers has become more and more widespread. The compound fertilizer is a fertilizer containing two or more of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and is classified into two types according to the manufacturing method, a compound fertilizer and a mixed fertilizer. The most common compound fertilizer is diammonium hydrogen phosphate (ammonium phosphate), in addition to urea ammonium phosphate, ammonium phosphate ammonium nitrate, ammonium thiophosphate, nitrophosphate fertilizer, diammonium phosphate, potassium nitrate and the like. When using compound fertilizer, it is necessary to adjust the proportion of nutrients to meet the requirements of different crops and soils. Mixed fertilizer, which is made by mechanically mixing several kinds of simple fertilizers according to conditions such as crops and soils. The special fertilizers currently on the market are such fertilizers.
In addition, various liquid fertilizers and spray fertilizers currently on the market are also a mixture of various nutrient elements and some organic components such as amino acids, which have certain effects on improving crop yield and quality.
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