NdFeB Magnets Strong Magnets N52

HS Code: 8505111000
NdFeB Magnet is mainly made of Neodymium, Iron and Boron, with excellent magnetic property, abundant raw material and reasonable prices, NdFeB Magnet can be used as an ideal magnet in mini-motor, permanent magnetic resonance, sound device magnetic suspension system, magnetic transmission machine, iatrical apparatus, etc.

Special Requirements of NdFeB Magnets

Surface Treatment
Painting, coating, or plating is highly recommended for NdFeB. Nickel, Zinc, Tin? ? Phosphor, Silver or Gold Plating, Spray Coating or Epoxy Resin plating provides good corrosion resistance for NdFeB magnets. A variety of organic coatings have been successfully developed for NdFeB, exhibiting good corrosion resistance characteristics.

In general, NdFeB magnets must be machined using diamond-grinding techniques. Machining this material removes a layer of protective coating, and re-coating for corrosion resistance may be necessary.

Magnetizing and Handling
Rare Earth materials must be handled very carefully to avoid damage and injury. Isotropic bonded NdFeB materials can be magnetized in any direction, or with multiple poles. Special magnetizing fixtures are required in order to achieve multiple pole magnetization.
Grade     Br   bHc iHc (BH)max    TW. TC. aBr Grade     Br   bHc iHc (BH)max    TW. TC. aBr
[KGs] [KOe]   [MGOe]   [C] [C] [%C] [KGs] [KOe]   [MGOe]   [C] [C] [%C]
[T] [KA/m] [KJ/m3] [T] [KA/m] [KJ/m3]
N35   11.7-12.1 10.9 12 33-35 80 310 -0.12 N40H   12.6-12.9 11.9 16 38-40 120 330 -0.12
1.17-1.21 868 955 263-286 1.26-1.29 907 1353 303-318
N38   12.2-12.6 11.4 12 36-38 80 310 -0.12 N42H   13-13.3 11.9 16 40-42 120 330 -0.12
1.22-1.26 907 955 286-310 1.3-1.33 947 1353 318-334
N40   12.6-12.9 11.6 12 38-40 80 310 -0.12 N44H   13.3-13.6 11.9 16 42-44 120 330 -0.12
1.26-1.29 923 955 302-318 1.33-1.36 947 1247 334-350
N42   13.0-13.3 11.6 12 40-42 80 310 -0.12 N35SH   11.7-12.1 11.4 20 33-35 150 330 -0.12
1.30-1.33 926 955 318-334 1.17-1.21 907 1592 263-279
N45   13.4-13.7 11.6 12 43-45 80 310 -0.12 N38SH   12.2-12.6 11.9 20 36-38 150 330 -0.12
1.34-1.37 926 955 342-358 1.22-1.26 947 1592 287-303
N48   13.6-14.2 11.6 12 45-48 80 310 -0.12 N40SH   12.6-12.9 11.9 20 38-40 150 330 -0.12
1.36-1.42 926 955 358-382 1.26-1.29 947 1592 303-318
N50   14.1-14.5 11.4 11 48-50 80 310 -0.12 N42SH   13.0-13.3 11.9 19 40-42 140 330 -0.12
1.41-1.45 907 875 382-398 1.3-1.33 947 1512 318-334
N35M   11.7-12.1 11.5 14 33-35 100 320 -0.12 N28UH   10.4-10.8 10.2 25 26-28 180 330 -0.12
1.17-12.1 915 1114 263-279 1.04-1.08 812 1989 207-223
N38M   12.2-12.6 11.7 14 36-38 100 320 -0.12 N30UH   10.8-11.2 10.6 25 28-30 180 330 -0.12
1.22-1.26 931 1114 287-303 1.08-1.12 844 1989 223-239
N40M   12.6-12.9 11.9 14 38-40 100 320 -0.12 N33UH   11.4-11.7 11 25 31-33 180 330 -0.12
1.26-1.29 947 1114 303-318 1.14-1.17 876 1989 247-263
N42M   13.0-13.3 11.9 14 40-42 100 320 -0.12 N35UH   11.7-12.1 11.4 25 33-35 180 330 -0.12
1.30-1.33 947 1114 318-334 1.17-1.21 907 1989 263-279
N45M   13.3-13.7 12 14 42-45 100 320 -0.12 N28EH   10.4-10.8 10.2 30 26-28 200 330 -0.12
1.33-1.37 955 1114 334-358 1.04 812 2387 207-223
N48M   13.6-14.2 12 14 45-48 100 320 -0.12 N30EH   10.8-11.2 10.6 30 28-30 200 330 -0.12
1.36-1.42 955 1114 358-382 1.08-1.12 844 2387 223-239
N35H   11.7-12.1 11.4 17 33-35 120 330 -0.12 N33EH   11.4-11.7 11 30 31-33 200 330 -0.12
1.17-1.21 860 1353 263-279 1.14-1.17 876 2387 247-263
N38H   12.2-12.6 11.9 17 36-38 120 330 -0.12 N35EH   11.7-12.1 11.4 30 33-35 200 330 -0.12
1.22-1.26 907 1353 287-303 1.17-1.21 907 2387 263-279

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