1) Nitrogen: The main source of nitrogen in the soil is organic matter. Therefore, soils lacking organic matter and sand in rainy areas are most susceptible to nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen is a nutrient element required for the entire growth cycle of fruit trees. No matter which soil, no nitrogen fertilizer can be used.
2) Phosphorus: The most common phosphorus-deficient soils are: highly weathered and acidic soils; the phosphorus content in calcareous soils may be high, but not effective on plants; peat and humus require phosphorus. In addition, there are some factors that can affect the effectiveness of phosphorus, such as: low soil temperature, low phosphorus availability; high soil temperature, more phosphorus effective for plants; acidified calcareous soil, or application of manure in soil or Organic matter increases the available phosphorus in the soil.
3) Potassium: The soil that is usually found to be deficient in potassium is: light sand, in which potassium is washed; acid soil; peat and humus soil; soil that is easy to fix potassium, such as illite and vermiculite; Washed red soil.
4) Calcium: Soils that are often deficient in calcium are: acid soil. When the salt saturation of calcium is less than 25%, many crops will have symptoms of calcium deficiency; sand, especially in humid areas with annual rainfall exceeding 760mm, Calcium deficiency is particularly common; soil developed by serpentine; strongly acidic peat soil; soil clay is mainly montmorillonite-based kaolin-based, more susceptible to calcium deficiency; exchangeable sodium and alkaline soil with high pH or Soda salt soil. Some soil management measures can also lead to calcium deficiency in the soil: long-term application of ammonium sulphate or other acidic fertilizers; when using insecticides, such as sulphur powder, acidification of the soil; excessive exchange of potassium is used in fertilization; Fertilization or irrigation accumulates excessive exchangeable potassium; the form of nitrogen fertilizer affects the availability of soil calcium; soluble aluminum, manganese and hydrogen ions in acid soil can reduce the exchangeable calcium in the soil and reduce its effectiveness. But increasing organic matter can reduce the leaching of calcium. Common soils with excessive calcium are: saline soil containing gypsum, calcium chloride and other soluble calcium; soil containing calcium carbonate.
5) Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency usually occurs on acidic sand with a lot of rainfall, and there are also reports of magnesium deficiency on alkaline soil. Alluvial soil is more prone to magnesium deficiency than iced soil.
6) Iron: Fruit trees are prone to iron deficiency chlorosis in calcareous soils due to eutrophication of tree iron. Chlorosis is also easy to occur in alkaline soils. This is because alkaline soils have poor ventilation, high concentrations of bicarbonate, high levels of soil phosphate or high pH of the soil, making the iron in the soil insoluble iron hydroxide, so that it cannot be The fruit tree is absorbed.
7) Boron: The main source of boron in the soil is boron-containing minerals such as tourmaline, bauxite, etc., followed by animal and plant residues. From the perspective of boron content in various types of soil, the soil in which sediments develop (such as sandstone, shale, limestone, etc.) is generally more than that developed from igneous rocks. The soil in arid areas is more than that in wet areas, and the coastal areas. The soil is more soiled than inland soils, while the least boron is the soil in which granite is developed. However, the soil contains more boron, which is not equal to the amount of boron that is effective for plants. The most common boron-deficient soils are: soils with low boron content, such as acid igneous rocks or new alluvial deposits; acidic soils that have been washed, such as grey soil and red soil; light sand; acid peat or humus Soil; alkaline soil, especially alkaline soil containing lime; irrigation soil with very low boron and carbonate precipitation in irrigation water; soil with low organic matter content. The effectiveness of boron in soil is also affected by many factors, such as seasonal drought or years of drought, which will reduce the effectiveness of boron; boron is most effective at pH 4.7--6.7, and at pH 7 At .1--8.1, the effectiveness of boron decreases with increasing pH. Therefore, applying lime to acidic soils reduces the effectiveness of boron and leads to boron deficiency. The content of available boron in the soil is closely related to the nutrient nutrition of the fruit tree, and the difference between the optimum amount of boron in the soil, the amount of poisoning and the symptoms of boron deficiency in the fruit trees is small. It has been reported that the critical boron deficiency content is about 0.5 mg/kg, more than 1 mg/kg, and some boron-sensitive crops have shown visible symptoms of poisoning.
8) Zinc: Most of the zinc in the soil exists in the soil minerals. After the minerals are weathered, the divalent zinc ions enter the soil solution, and the valence ions ZnCl+, Zn(N03)+ or Zn(OH)+ can also be formed. . The amount of zinc in the soil is greatly affected by the parent material. The soil containing the basic rock has more zinc than the acid rock. The young alluvial soil contains more zinc than the shale. The soil is thick and rich in calcium, and the zinc content is higher than that of sandy soil and acidic soil. Black earth and chestnut soil contain the most zinc, and red soil and gray soil contain less zinc. Most of the soil zinc is acid-soluble and exists in minerals, and fruit trees cannot be absorbed and utilized. Effective zinc is often used as a diagnostic indicator for soil zinc. The effective zinc in the soil decreases with the increase of pH value, and most of the zinc-deficient soil is soil with pH<6. The most common zinc-deficient soils are: washed acid soils with low total zinc content; alkaline soils; soils developed from granite and gneiss; past corral sites and graveyards; some organically insoluble zinc Soil; clay-bearing soil with low Si/Mg ratio; soil with restricted roots of fruit trees, such as solid soil, soil with hard disk layer and soil with high groundwater level. Common zinc-containing soils are: certain types of acidic peat; zinc ore, soil near lead ore, and soils rich in zinc or other materials.
9) Manganese: Manganese is the highest trace element in the soil. Manganese effective for plants is only water-soluble, exchangeable divalent manganese and easily reduced trivalent manganese, which are collectively referred to as activated manganese. The effectiveness of manganese in soil is affected by soil pH, oxidation-reduction potential, temperature, humidity, permeability and organic matter content. Generally, the soil pH increases and the effectiveness of manganese decreases. Manganese deficiency of manganese is common in calcareous soils, thin peat soils of calcareous subsoil, marsh soils developed from alluvial soils or calcareous materials. Adding organic matter to acidic soils can increase the effectiveness of manganese, while increasing organic matter in alkaline soils, and reducing the effectiveness of manganese and organic matter.
10) Copper: Soil developed from low-copper granite and rhyolite, copper-deficient sandy soil, especially calcareous sand, will be copper-deficient. Copper deficiency can also occur in peat soil or lowland marsh soil where the clay content is low and the groundwater level is too deep, while the surface soil is not wet during drought. In the absence of copper, copper or copper salts can be applied to the soil to overcome. According to the study, when the soil copper reaches 2mg/kg, apples and pears will not be deficient.
11) Molybdenum: Molybdenum exists in the soil in the form of MoO4 (upper right 2-) or MoO-. The soil developed by the granite parent material contains higher molybdenum, and the loess parent material develops soil with lower molybdenum. The soils of grassy ash soil, high peat soil, sand and sand dunes, gravel, boulders, serpentine, etc., have low molybdenum content. The effectiveness of molybdenum in calcareous soils is high. China's soil contains only 0.1--6 mg/kg of molybdenum, of which 10% is effective for plants. Therefore, even if molybdenum fertilizer is applied to soil containing higher molybdenum, it has a good fertilizer effect.
2) Phosphorus: The most common phosphorus-deficient soils are: highly weathered and acidic soils; the phosphorus content in calcareous soils may be high, but not effective on plants; peat and humus require phosphorus. In addition, there are some factors that can affect the effectiveness of phosphorus, such as: low soil temperature, low phosphorus availability; high soil temperature, more phosphorus effective for plants; acidified calcareous soil, or application of manure in soil or Organic matter increases the available phosphorus in the soil.
3) Potassium: The soil that is usually found to be deficient in potassium is: light sand, in which potassium is washed; acid soil; peat and humus soil; soil that is easy to fix potassium, such as illite and vermiculite; Washed red soil.
4) Calcium: Soils that are often deficient in calcium are: acid soil. When the salt saturation of calcium is less than 25%, many crops will have symptoms of calcium deficiency; sand, especially in humid areas with annual rainfall exceeding 760mm, Calcium deficiency is particularly common; soil developed by serpentine; strongly acidic peat soil; soil clay is mainly montmorillonite-based kaolin-based, more susceptible to calcium deficiency; exchangeable sodium and alkaline soil with high pH or Soda salt soil. Some soil management measures can also lead to calcium deficiency in the soil: long-term application of ammonium sulphate or other acidic fertilizers; when using insecticides, such as sulphur powder, acidification of the soil; excessive exchange of potassium is used in fertilization; Fertilization or irrigation accumulates excessive exchangeable potassium; the form of nitrogen fertilizer affects the availability of soil calcium; soluble aluminum, manganese and hydrogen ions in acid soil can reduce the exchangeable calcium in the soil and reduce its effectiveness. But increasing organic matter can reduce the leaching of calcium. Common soils with excessive calcium are: saline soil containing gypsum, calcium chloride and other soluble calcium; soil containing calcium carbonate.
5) Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency usually occurs on acidic sand with a lot of rainfall, and there are also reports of magnesium deficiency on alkaline soil. Alluvial soil is more prone to magnesium deficiency than iced soil.
6) Iron: Fruit trees are prone to iron deficiency chlorosis in calcareous soils due to eutrophication of tree iron. Chlorosis is also easy to occur in alkaline soils. This is because alkaline soils have poor ventilation, high concentrations of bicarbonate, high levels of soil phosphate or high pH of the soil, making the iron in the soil insoluble iron hydroxide, so that it cannot be The fruit tree is absorbed.
7) Boron: The main source of boron in the soil is boron-containing minerals such as tourmaline, bauxite, etc., followed by animal and plant residues. From the perspective of boron content in various types of soil, the soil in which sediments develop (such as sandstone, shale, limestone, etc.) is generally more than that developed from igneous rocks. The soil in arid areas is more than that in wet areas, and the coastal areas. The soil is more soiled than inland soils, while the least boron is the soil in which granite is developed. However, the soil contains more boron, which is not equal to the amount of boron that is effective for plants. The most common boron-deficient soils are: soils with low boron content, such as acid igneous rocks or new alluvial deposits; acidic soils that have been washed, such as grey soil and red soil; light sand; acid peat or humus Soil; alkaline soil, especially alkaline soil containing lime; irrigation soil with very low boron and carbonate precipitation in irrigation water; soil with low organic matter content. The effectiveness of boron in soil is also affected by many factors, such as seasonal drought or years of drought, which will reduce the effectiveness of boron; boron is most effective at pH 4.7--6.7, and at pH 7 At .1--8.1, the effectiveness of boron decreases with increasing pH. Therefore, applying lime to acidic soils reduces the effectiveness of boron and leads to boron deficiency. The content of available boron in the soil is closely related to the nutrient nutrition of the fruit tree, and the difference between the optimum amount of boron in the soil, the amount of poisoning and the symptoms of boron deficiency in the fruit trees is small. It has been reported that the critical boron deficiency content is about 0.5 mg/kg, more than 1 mg/kg, and some boron-sensitive crops have shown visible symptoms of poisoning.
8) Zinc: Most of the zinc in the soil exists in the soil minerals. After the minerals are weathered, the divalent zinc ions enter the soil solution, and the valence ions ZnCl+, Zn(N03)+ or Zn(OH)+ can also be formed. . The amount of zinc in the soil is greatly affected by the parent material. The soil containing the basic rock has more zinc than the acid rock. The young alluvial soil contains more zinc than the shale. The soil is thick and rich in calcium, and the zinc content is higher than that of sandy soil and acidic soil. Black earth and chestnut soil contain the most zinc, and red soil and gray soil contain less zinc. Most of the soil zinc is acid-soluble and exists in minerals, and fruit trees cannot be absorbed and utilized. Effective zinc is often used as a diagnostic indicator for soil zinc. The effective zinc in the soil decreases with the increase of pH value, and most of the zinc-deficient soil is soil with pH<6. The most common zinc-deficient soils are: washed acid soils with low total zinc content; alkaline soils; soils developed from granite and gneiss; past corral sites and graveyards; some organically insoluble zinc Soil; clay-bearing soil with low Si/Mg ratio; soil with restricted roots of fruit trees, such as solid soil, soil with hard disk layer and soil with high groundwater level. Common zinc-containing soils are: certain types of acidic peat; zinc ore, soil near lead ore, and soils rich in zinc or other materials.
9) Manganese: Manganese is the highest trace element in the soil. Manganese effective for plants is only water-soluble, exchangeable divalent manganese and easily reduced trivalent manganese, which are collectively referred to as activated manganese. The effectiveness of manganese in soil is affected by soil pH, oxidation-reduction potential, temperature, humidity, permeability and organic matter content. Generally, the soil pH increases and the effectiveness of manganese decreases. Manganese deficiency of manganese is common in calcareous soils, thin peat soils of calcareous subsoil, marsh soils developed from alluvial soils or calcareous materials. Adding organic matter to acidic soils can increase the effectiveness of manganese, while increasing organic matter in alkaline soils, and reducing the effectiveness of manganese and organic matter.
10) Copper: Soil developed from low-copper granite and rhyolite, copper-deficient sandy soil, especially calcareous sand, will be copper-deficient. Copper deficiency can also occur in peat soil or lowland marsh soil where the clay content is low and the groundwater level is too deep, while the surface soil is not wet during drought. In the absence of copper, copper or copper salts can be applied to the soil to overcome. According to the study, when the soil copper reaches 2mg/kg, apples and pears will not be deficient.
11) Molybdenum: Molybdenum exists in the soil in the form of MoO4 (upper right 2-) or MoO-. The soil developed by the granite parent material contains higher molybdenum, and the loess parent material develops soil with lower molybdenum. The soils of grassy ash soil, high peat soil, sand and sand dunes, gravel, boulders, serpentine, etc., have low molybdenum content. The effectiveness of molybdenum in calcareous soils is high. China's soil contains only 0.1--6 mg/kg of molybdenum, of which 10% is effective for plants. Therefore, even if molybdenum fertilizer is applied to soil containing higher molybdenum, it has a good fertilizer effect.
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