Storage of chemical fertilizers in the cold season should be "four defenses"

Some people think that the winter temperature is low, the fertilizer will not volatilize, and it is not very corrosive, but it is not.

Nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium sulfate are not non-volatile under low temperature conditions, but have a slower volatilization rate and less volatile content than the summer and autumn high temperature seasons; the corrosion of superphosphate does not have much to do with the temperature, bag, As long as it is exposed to superphosphate, sacks and the like will be corroded, and the contents of the bag such as seeds, salt, soda ash, etc. will deteriorate. In addition, when the nitrogen fertilizer is volatilized, it will be converted into a highly corrosive ammonium hydroxide, which will cause the seed embryo to lose its sprouting power, causing the grain to deteriorate and the pesticide to fail.

In view of the above reasons, the storage of chemical fertilizers in the cold season also requires "four defenses."

Anti-volatile Many nitrogen fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium nitrate, etc., are extremely unstable due to their nature, which are easily decomposed and volatilized during storage, reducing fertilizer efficiency. Therefore, such fertilizers should be stored in airtight plastic bags or other sealed and corrosion-resistant containers.

Waterproof and moisture-proof nitrogen fertilizer is easy to agglomerate or lose water after being wetted by water. During storage and storage, care must be taken to keep the storage environment dry and prevent the bag from being broken.

Anti-pollution ammonia fertilizer can not be placed in the bedroom or hall, so as to avoid the volatile ammonia gas irritating the eyes, nose and respiratory tract, which is harmful to health.

Anti-corrosion ammonium bicarbonate, superphosphate, etc. can not be stored in cloth bags, sacks and paper bags, and should be stored in plastic bags or porcelain jars. All kinds of chemical fertilizers cannot be stored in a house with seeds, grain and oil, and agricultural tools.
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