Cold thinking behind the heat of the machine tool industry - Wu Bolin, executive vice president of China Machine Tool Industry Association

"From big to strong" has always been the unremitting pursuit of China's machine tool workers, and this year's China Machine Tool Industry Association is planning and implementing the "12th Five-Year Plan for Development of Machine Tool Industry" (hereinafter referred to as: Industry Development Plan). Point of departure. Statistics from the China Machine Tool Industry Association show that in the first quarter of this year, China's machine tool industry continued the hot market in 2010, with a total industrial output value of 129.40 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.1%; product sales value of 126.43 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase 39.2%, has maintained a growth rate of more than 30% for 18 consecutive months.

V-Profile Press fitting pipeline system is widely used in cold and hot water supply, heating supply, fire protection, medicinal gas, industrial petroleum pipeline system etc.

Compared with traditional pipeline system, it`s not only more economical, safer and healthier, but also easier and faster for installation with longer service life.

press fitting classify1


1.  Press fitting range:

Coupling -- Equal coupling, Reducing coupling, Slip coupling, coupling with male/ female threads;

Elbow -- Equal elbow, Elbow 90°, Elbow 45°, Reducing elbow, Elbow with plain end, Elbow with wall plate, and Elbow with male/ female threads;

Tee -- Equal tee, Reducing tee, Tee with wall plate, and Tee with male/ female threads;

Others-- Pipe cap, Pipe Bridge and Flange connector.

2.  Material:  Stainless steel 304L, Edelstahl 1.4306/ Edelstahl 1.4301, AISI304L, Inox304L;

Stainless steel 316L, Edelstahl1.4404, AISI316L, Inox316L;                                            

Galvanized carbon steel, 1.0034C-Stahl, Kohlenstoffstahl,  ACCIAIO AL CARBONIO.

material form 

3.  Size: 3/8``-4``inch or as request,  pipe wall thickness: 1.0--2.0mm

Sizes range:

DVGW W534:1995: 15, 18, 22, 28, 35, 42, 54, 76.1, 88.9, 108mm.

JIS G 3448-1980: 15.88, 22.22, 28.58, 34.00, 42.7, 48.6, 76.1, 88.9, 108mm.

4.  Standard:

Press fitting standard:  (DIN) DVGW W534-1995;   (JIS) JWWA G116:2001; GB/T 19228.1-2003

Pipe standard: DIN10312:2003; GB/T 19228.2-2003

O-ring sealing standard: CEN EN 681-1:2006; GBT 19228.3-2003

5.  O-Ring Seal: "Chlorinated butyl rubber" (CIIR), EPDM, HNBR, NBR and FKM, etc.

 EPDM (black): max working pressure 16bar, working temperature from -20℃ to 120℃,  Suit medium: cold and hot water, compressed Air etc.


6.  Galvanization: all carbon steel pipe fittings are plated with rust-resistant zinc.

7.  Anneal: all stainless steel pipe fittings are annealed in inert gases before packing.


Installation and Connection Order



Equipments And Quality Control

press fitting work shop1 

                                                             Orderly Workshop                     

press fitting equipment

                                                        Efficient Anneal Equipment


press fitting pressure testing 

                                                             Pressure Testing                           

press fitting pressure testing1

                                                                   Tensile Testing


Stainless Steel V-Profile Press Fittings(JIS)

Stainless Steel V-Profile Press Fittings,Equal Tee Press Pipe Fitting,V Profile Steel Elbow Press Fitting,V Profile Female Tee Press Fitting