ã€China Aluminum Industry Network】 1. Introduction of the instrument in the aluminum extrusion production, the usual practice is to use rapid thermocouple contact to detect the temperature of the aluminum, and the extrusion profile is always moving, the detection element must follow the profile If you exercise together, you cannot maintain on-line monitoring, and different human operation methods are used for detection. The profiles are cooled immediately after they are ejected. This results in large deviations in the detection temperature. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain accurate temperature and speed matching. Temperature detection is divided into contact and non-contact two categories.
2. When measuring the details of the promotion in the same industry, after taking into account the measured infrared radiation energy, emissivity, and measured wavelength of the aluminum material, accurate temperature is calculated through special compensation calculations. The instrument default algorithm is its special compensation calculation software. The optical system collects the infrared radiation energy and emissivity of the band measured by the target in the field of view, and then converts the photodetector and converts it into a corresponding electrical signal. The signal passes through the amplifier and the signal processing circuit, and is converted into the temperature value of the measured target after being calibrated according to the algorithm and the target emissivity of the meter.
3. Details of the process requirements As the extrusion speed increases, the profile extrusion temperature will increase significantly. When the temperature exceeds a certain value, there will be a variety of title topics for the aluminum structure and surface quality. Therefore, aluminum must be readily available. The material outlet temperature is monitored and tested to ensure a better match between extrusion yield and profile quality. Usually in the extrusion production of aluminum, the larger output is mainly determined by the extrusion speed, and the quality of the profile depends on the extrusion temperature of the profile.
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Polysorbate(Tween), it is polyoxyethylene sorbitan oleate can be used as emulsification protein in Biology experiment, sealants In biological experiments and O/W emulsifier
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