Heat pump water heater is a high degree of automation equipment, the unit should be used regularly to check the status of the unit, if the unit for a long-term and effective maintenance and repair, unit operation reliability and service life will be significantly improved. · The water filter installed outside the machine should be cleaned regularly to ensure the water quality in the system is clean so as to avoid the unit being damaged due to the dirty filter of the water filter. · Users should pay attention to the use and maintenance of this unit: all the safety protection devices in the unit are set at the factory and do not adjust themselves. Always check the unit's power supply and electrical system wiring is solid, the electrical components are abnormal, if timely repair and replacement. Regularly check the water system, water tank safety valve, liquid level controller and exhaust work is normal, so as to avoid the air into the system resulting in reduced water circulation, thus affecting the unit heat and the reliability of unit operation. · Check the water pump, water valve is working properly, water pipe and pipe joints leakage. Keep the unit clean, dry and well ventilated. Regularly clean (January-February) air-side heat exchanger, to maintain a good heat transfer. Regularly check the work of the various components of the unit, check the machine pipe joints and inflatable valves at the oil, to ensure that the unit refrigerant leak. · Do not pile up the sundries around the unit so as not to block the air inlet and outlet. The unit should be clean, dry and well ventilated around. If the downtime is longer, the water in the unit piping should be released and the power cut off, and the protective cover should be put in place. When running again, check the system before turning it on. · When the unit fails, the user can not solve the problem, please call our company in the local special maintenance department, in order to send timely maintenance. · The host condenser cleaning, the company recommended the use of hot phosphoric acid solution 50 ℃ -60 ℃, a concentration of 15% to clean the condenser, start the host comes with a circulating pump to clean for 3 hours, and finally washed with tap water three times. (It is recommended to reserve the tee port when installing the pipeline, and to seal an interface with the tap) to take over for cleaning. Do not clean the condenser with a caustic cleaning solution. · The water tank needs to be removed after a period of use (usually two months, depending on the local water quality).