January 23 Shanghai Steel Market Price Quotes

Central city today's steel prices
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Huazhong District
Eastern Region
Southwest China
East and West
One week analysis of the steel market
Steel Market Trends in 2007

Name of product specification Materials Steel factory / origin Price (yuan/ton) Than yesterday Compared to last week Than last month
Common line Φ6.5mm Q235 Handan Iron and Steel 3130 10 10 30
Common line Φ6.5mm Q235 Wine and Steel 3130 10 10 30
altitude Φ6.5mm Q235 Ping Gang 3270 20 50 100
altitude Φ6.5mm Q235 Beitai 3260 20 60 100
altitude Φ6.5mm Q335 Haixin 3280 20 60 110
Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Baosteel 3200 30 50 90
Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Baosteel 3210 80 100 100
Rebar Φ16mm HRB335 Baosteel 3200 80 100 150
Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Baosteel 3200 80 100 150
Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Shanghai Bao 3070 20 50 110
Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Shanghai Bao 3050 20 50 70
Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Tang Gang 3050 20 50 90
Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 2672 3080 30 50 90
Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Handan Iron and Steel 3080 30 50 100
Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Lai Gang 3070 30 40 90
Rebar Φ20-25mm HRB335 Beitai 3050 20 50 90
Rebar Φ20-25mm HRB335 Yinfeng 3070 30 60 110
Grade III rebar Φ10mm HRB400 Baosteel 3370 30 30 30
Grade III rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Baosteel 3320 30 30 50
Grade III rebar Φ14mm HRB400 Baosteel 3310 30 30 30
Grade III rebar Φ16mm HRB400 Baosteel 3310 30 30 80
Grade III rebar Φ20mm HRB400 Baosteel 3310 0 0 0
Grade III rebar Φ12-14mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3290 10 10 60
Grade III rebar Φ16mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3290 20 30 120
Grade III rebar Φ20mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3290 20 30 60
Grade III rebar Φ25mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3320 50 50 80
Grade III rebar Φ28-32mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3380 0 0 10
Hot rolled coil 1.5mm*1250*C SPHC Baosteel 4750 0 0 200
Hot rolled coil 1.8mm*1250*C SPHC Baosteel 4600 0 0 150
Hot rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*C SPHC Baosteel 4550 0 0 150
Hot rolled coil 2.5mm*1250*C SPHC Baosteel 4450 0 0 100
Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C SPHC Baosteel 4300 0 0 100
Hot rolled coil 1.5mm*1250*C ZJ330B Zhu Gang 4680 0 0 260
Hot rolled coil 1.5mm*1250*C SPHC Handan Iron and Steel 4700 0 0 250
Hot rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*C SPHC Handan Iron and Steel 4550 0 0 310
Hot rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*C SPHC Previous 4550 0 0 250
Hot rolled coil 2.75mm*1250*C SPHC Previous 4350 0 0 300
Hot rolled coil 2.75mm*1500*C Q235 Tang Gang 4150 0 0 300
Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1500*C Q235 Tang Gang 4100 0 0 290
Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Shagang 4150 0 0 300
Hot rolled coil 5.5*1500*C Q235 Saddle / Ben / Don / Package 4050 30 30 340
Hot rolled coil 7.5mm*1500*C Q235 Saddle / Ben / Don / Package 4050 30 30 340
Hot rolled coil 9.5mm*1500*C Q235 Saddle / Ben / Don / Package 4050 30 30 330
Hot rolled coil 11.5*1500*C Q235 Saddle / Ben / Don / Package 4050 30 30 350
Cold rolled coil 0.4mm*1000*C SPCC-SD Baosteel Yichang 6200 0 0 0
Cold rolled coil 0.5mm*1000*C SPCC-SD Baosteel Yichang 6050 0 0 0
Cold rolled coil 0.6mm*1000*C SPCC-SD Baosteel Yichang 5700 0 0 0
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Ma Gang 5030 0 0 250
Cold rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*C SPCC Ma Gang 5000 0 0 250
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Handan Iron and Steel 4850 0 -20 150
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1000*C SPCC Mei Gang 4780 0 0 150
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Kunming Steel 4750 0 0 150
Cold rolled coil 1.2mm*1250*C SPCC Cold weather 4750 0 0 150
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C ST14 Angang 5900 0 0 0
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C DC04 Baosteel 6600 0 0 0
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Tang Gang 4800 0 0 170
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Handan Iron and Steel 4900 0 0 200
Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Baogang 4870 0 0 170
Cold plate 1.0mm*1250*2500 DC01 Baosteel 5800 0 0 50
Cold plate 1.0mm*1250*2500 DC01/ST12 Wu Gang 5050 0 -50 200
Cold plate 1.0mm*1250*2500 ST12 Angang 1780 5070 0 -50 170
Cold plate 1.2mm*1250*2500 ST12 Angang 1780 5000 0 -60 140
Cold plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 DC01/ST12 Bengang 2980 0 -2060 -1820
Cold plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 DC01 Baosteel 5800 0 0 0
Cold plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 SPCC Baosteel 5430 0 0 30
Cold plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 DC01/ST12 Wu Gang 4980 0 -60 180
Cold plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 ST12 Angang 1780 5000 0 -60 140
Hot rolled strip 2.5mm*183*C Q195L Jian Long 3250 0 30 110
Hot rolled strip 2.5mm*204*C Q195L Jian Long 3250 0 40 110
Hot rolled strip 2.5mm*232*C Q195L Jian Long 3310 0 50 130
Hot rolled strip 2.5mm*160-204*C Q195-215 Tangshan Hongda 3180 0 0 60
Hot rolled strip 2.75mm*232*C Q195-215 Tangshan Guofeng 3310 0 60 130
Hot rolled strip 5.5mm*685*C Q235 Beitai 3420 0 0 120
Hot rolled strip 5.6mm*700*C Q235 Beitai 3420 0 0 120
Hot rolled strip 5.75mm*685*C Q235 Beitai 3420 0 0 120
Hot rolled strip 6.0mm*690*C Q235 Beitai 3420 0 0 120
Hot rolled strip 6.0mm*700*C Q235 Beitai 3420 0 0 120
Hot rolled strip 5.5mm*685*C Q235 De Long 3430 0 0 100
Hot rolled strip 9.5mm*735*C Q235 De Long 3430 0 0 100
Hot rolled strip 1.8mm*355*C Q195-235 Tianjin Rolling One 3430 0 0 80
Hot rolled strip 1.8mm*292*C Q195-235 Tianjin Rolling One 3420 0 0 50
Hot rolled strip 2.0mm*295*C Q195-235 Tianjin Rolling One 3420 0 0 50
Puzhong board 6mm Q235 New Steel 4630 -20 -20 230
Puzhong board 8mm Q235 New Steel 4500 0 0 400
Puzhong board 10mm Q235 New Steel 4310 0 -20 410
Puzhong board 12mm Q235 New Steel 4030 0 -20 370
Puzhong board 14-20mm Q235 New Steel 4000 0 0 380
Puzhong board 8mm Q345 Yingkou 4520 0 -10 400
Puzhong board 10mm Q345 Yingkou 4320 0 -30 400
Puzhong board 14-20mm Q345 Yingkou 3970 -10 -30 290
Puzhong board 10mm Q235 Ma Gang 4250 0 0 380
Puzhong board 14-20mm Q235 Ma Gang 3960 0 -20 340
Puzhong board 14-20mm Q235 Chunye 3880 0 -40 360
Low alloy plate 6mm Q345 New Steel 4680 0 0 240
Low alloy plate 8mm Q345 New Steel 4530 0 0 280
Low alloy plate 10mm Q345 New Steel 4360 0 0 260
Low alloy plate 12mm Q345 New Steel 4260 0 0 410
Low alloy plate 14-20mm Q345 Yingkou 4230 0 0 380
Low alloy plate 14-20mm Q345 Ma Gang 4200 0 0 390
Boiler plate 8mm 16MnG Pu Gang 4760 0 70 240
Boiler plate 10mm 16MnG Pu Gang 4620 0 50 220
Boiler plate 12-20mm 16MnG Pu Gang 4330 0 80 220
Boiler plate 8mm 20G Pu Gang 4750 0 70 370
Boiler plate 10mm 20G Pu Gang 4620 0 60 320
Boiler plate 12-20mm 20G Pu Gang 4330 0 90 270
Container board 8mm 16MnR Pu Gang 4820 0 90 320
Container board 10mm 16MnR Pu Gang 4670 0 70 270
Container board 12mm 16MnR Pu Gang 4380 0 80 270
Container board 16-20mm 16MnR Pu Gang 4380 0 80 270
Container board 16-20mm 16MnR Nangang 4480 0 80 280
Galvanized coil 0.4mm*1000*C SGCC New Senior Middle School 6100 0 20 140
ll 0.5mm*1000*C SGCC New Senior Middle School 5920 0 70 120
ll 1.0mm*1000*C SGCC New Senior Middle School 5380 0 80 80
ll 1.0mm*1000*C ST02Z Bengang 5520 0 0 0
ll 1.0mm*1000*C ST02Z Angang 5550 0 0 0
ll 1.0mm*1250*C JY150 Wu Gang 5580 0 0 0
ll 1.0mm*1250*C SGCC Combined Iron Steel 5600 0 0 0
ll 1.0mm*1000*C SGCC Chinatown 5400 0 100 150
Color coated roll 0.4mm*1000*C TST01 Baosteel 7800 0 150 250
Color coated roll 0.5mm*1000*C TST01 Baosteel 7380 0 100 200
Color coated roll 0.5mm*1200*C TST01 Baosteel 7350 0 150 320
Color coated roll 0.6mm*1000*C TST01 Baosteel 7500 0 100 150
Color coated roll 0.6mm*1200*C TST01 Baosteel 7480 0 130 130
Color coated roll 0.42mm*1000*C CGCC New Senior Middle School 6700 0 50 0
Color coated roll 0.47mm*1000*C CGCC New Senior Middle School 6550 0 70 30
Color coated roll 0.5mm*1200*C TST01 Ma Gang 7050 0 50 120
Angle Steel 50*50*5 Q235 Ma Gang 3140 0 0 0
Angle Steel 100*100*10 Q235 Ma Gang 3120 0 0 0
Channel steel 10# Q235 Ma Gang 3140 0 0 0
Channel steel 16#A Q235 Ma Gang 3070 0 0 0
Channel steel 20#A Q235 Ma Gang 3100 0 0 0
Channel steel 32#A Q235 Lai Gang 3480 0 0 0
I-beam 20#B Q235 Wu Gang 3350 0 0 0
I-beam 25#B Q235 Lai Gang 3440 0 0 0
I-beam 36#B Q235 Lai Gang 3470 0 0 0
I-beam 40#B Q235 Lai Gang 3550 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø40*3.25mm Q215-235 Labour control 5550 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø65*3.5mm Q215-235 Labour control 5550 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø80*3.75mm Q215-235 Labour control 5570 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø100*3.75mm Q215-235 Labour control 5570 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø15*2.5mm Q235B Jinzhou 5110 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø20*2.5mm Q235B Jinzhou 5150 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø25*2.75mm Q235B Jinzhou 4780 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø32*2.75mm Q235B Upper tube 4960 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø65*3.0mm Q235B Upper tube 4970 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø65*3.75mm Q235B Upper tube 4750 0 0 0
Galvanized pipe Ø80*3.5mm Q235B Upper tube 4750 0 0 0

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