Decoding the development status of diamond abrasives

Abstract The application of diamond abrasive tools in all fields of stone processing industry has steadily increased. The main driver of this growth is the overall reduction in costs due to improvements in diamond synthesis technology, tool manufacturing technology and machine tool design. These improvements make the utilization and production of stone...

The use of diamond abrasive tools in all areas of the stone processing industry has steadily increased. The main driver of this growth is the overall reduction in costs due to improvements in diamond synthesis technology, tool manufacturing technology and machine tool design. These improvements have resulted in a significant increase in stone utilization and production from the initial stage of production to the final processing. These advances have comprehensively affected the increase in diamond consumption and replaced traditional abrasive tools in a variety of current and newly developed processes. This paper examines the technological advances in stone processing that have indeed contributed to the growing market for natural stone used as interior and exterior decorative building materials.

The availability of natural stone for construction and decoration is different for most countries with large stocks of raw materials. Until now, many smaller stone producing countries have processed stone mainly for local consumption without opening up the export market. In recent years, the global market has begun to undergo significant changes.

The amount of stone used for processing has increased significantly. In 1998, the global mining volume was about 47.4 million tons, an increase of 48% over 1997.

In 1993, there were only three countries with a stone extraction capacity of more than 2 million tons. They were Italy, Spain and China, with output of 7.5 million tons, 3.4 million tons and 2.5 million tons respectively. After five years, the number of such countries has increased to seven: Italy leads with 7.5 million tons; China rises to second place with output of 6 million tons; Spain ranks third with 4.5 million tons, and India ranks fourth Its output is 2.4 million tons. The other three countries sharing the remaining 2 million tons of markets are Brazil, Portugal and Greece.

The share of global production for these countries is the intercontinental distribution of global production.

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