Causes and prevention of front leaf spring breaking

The reason why the front leaf spring 1 is broken and the prevention of improper operation is that the first and second pieces of the front leaf spring of the tractor-transformed conveyor are easily broken. The main reasons are: C1) poor driving skills, excessive use of emergency braking, especially in the case of lower steep slopes. When going downhill, the weight of the car moves forward

The reason why the front leaf spring 1 is broken and the prevention of improper operation is that the first and second pieces of the front leaf spring of the tractor-transformed conveyor are easily broken. The main reasons are: C1) poor driving skills, excessive use of emergency braking, especially in the case of lower steep slopes. When going downhill, the weight of the car moves forward, and most of the weight is distributed to the front wheels, which increases the load on the front leaf springs. If emergency braking is used again, due to inertia. It is easy to cause the front leaf spring to overload and break. Therefore, it is necessary to improve driving skills and reduce unnecessary emergency braking.

(2) Inconsistent adjustment of the front and rear brakes of the wheel If the rear wheels are not braked (or the braking effect is poor) when the front wheels are braked, the distribution load of the rear wheels is reduced, and the distribution load of the front wheels is increased, which also makes it easy for the front leaf springs to be extra The load is broken and the front and rear wheel brakes should be properly adjusted.

C3) When the tractor variant transporter is driving on uneven roads, it does not decelerate or often overloads, and it is easy to break the front seesaw spring. Therefore, the speed should be strictly controlled and overloaded should be avoided.

(4) The steel plate spring is used too long or the maintenance is not good, which causes the elasticity of the front leaf spring to decrease, and breaks when the load increases. It should be checked on time to ensure good lubrication to prolong the service life of the leaf spring.

(Xue Fulian) The sign of the cylinder head burned through the vehicle is weak, and there seems to be a lack of cylinder. The speed cannot be increased, and even the vibrating exhaust pipe emits a "sudden, sudden" abnormal sound. If the fuel system (or ignition system) works normally, it may be that the cylinder head gasket is burnt through.

The rapid diagnosis method of the cylinder head burn-through is further (to verify whether the cylinder plastic 1 is burned through or not, it can be taken in several ways.

U) The car is checked by hand cranking the crankshaft. It feels heavy and light, and sometimes it feels that each cylinder has no compressive force. Then remove the injectors (or spark plugs) of the adjacent two cylinders, cut them into round shapes with thin paper sheets, and paste them on the mounting holes of an injector (or spark plug) as much as possible, then use the air pipe to the other. Blowing in a fuel injector hole, if the circular paper is blown, the cylinder gasket is burned between the two cylinders.

Check from the exhaust pipe. If the air cushion is burned through between the combustion chamber and the water jacket, the cooling water will enter the cylinder. A part of the cooling water enters the exhaust branch through the exhaust valve to check whether the exhaust pipe has water. If there is The water is drained and the cylinder head gasket has been burned through.

Check the radiator from the radiator to fill the cooling water to keep the engine running at medium speed. Observe the radiator. If there are air bubbles continuously, after the possibility of cracking the cylinder liner is eliminated, the cylinder gasket can be estimated in the combustion chamber. Burning through the water jacket, the more bubbles in the upper jaw, indicating that the cylinder gasket burns through.

Remove the air filter cover and check the starting engine to observe the fuel injection at the carburetor hose (Note: Prevent the carburetor from "tempering"

Burn) If there is a "back-spray" phenomenon, it means that the oil cylinder is burned through between the two adjacent cylinders. If the cylinder gasket is burned through between the combustion chamber and the water jacket, the cooling water will enter the cylinder and cause a shortage. "Cylinder", a part of the cooling water leaked into the oil sump. If the oil on the oil gauge contains water drops, the cylinder head gasket has been burned through.

Oiling inspection applies lubricant to the joint between the cylinder head and the cylinder block (ie, around the gas shear pad). If there is air in the joint during engine operation, a “beep” sound is generated when the cylinder head gasket has burned through. .

The above method can quickly and accurately determine the burning failure of the cylinder head gasket, thereby reducing misjudgment and improving maintenance efficiency.

Emergency treatment method for cylinder head burn-through removes the damaged cylinder head gasket. If the burnt joint is a small hole, it can be filled with asbestos wire. If the damage is serious, and between the two cylinder ports, it should be cut off. Asbestos with asbestos on the inner edge of the small mane, then take the asbestos thread and tear it into a flocculent shape, mix about 20% lithium-based grease, repeat the twisting and then spread it on the burning place, use a small hammer to flatten the C The purpose is to make the original asbestos and the asbestos supplemented well, and the asbestos layer should be thicker than the original asbestos layer. Finally, two layers of cigarette tin foil are attached to the bread pad filling place, and the cylinder head is replaced. The cylinder head nut can be tightened 23 times in the specified order and torque. (Li Mingcheng> The vehicle does not appear to be shaken. The reason for the vibration is that in the front axle part, the front axle should be set up to check the static balance of the wheel and whether the rim is too large, and if necessary, perform dynamic balance test.

The above analysis of the low-speed oscillating head of the tractor variant transporter, the cause of the high-speed oscillating fault and the diagnosis method. In actual use, the fault diagnosis should be carried out according to the fault occurrence process, the technical condition of the vehicle and the use situation. Identify the fault location as soon as possible, remove the fault in time, and restore the technical state of the vehicle.

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