Early spring eggplant pest control

Eggplant raised in early spring, mainly to prevent soil-borne diseases, blight, bacterial blight and sclerotinia. The seedbed soil is disinfected, and 50 kg of seedbed soil plus 20 g of 68% gold mine water dispersible granules and 10 ml of 2.5% celite suspending agent mixed with soil can be loaded with nutrient mash or spread on nursery. Spraying 0.1% to 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.05% to 0.1% calcium chloride at the seedling stage to increase the disease resistance of the seedlings. After emergence, at the beginning of the disease, spray 58% of metalaxyl Mn-Zn wettable powder 500 times solution, 64% of anti-virus WP WP 500 times to prevent rickets; spray 70% methyl thiophanate 800 times liquid control Blight; found sclerotinia disease, can be controlled with 50% phorhin WP 1500 times solution, or 50% Nong Liling WP 1000 times solution.
The winter-grown eggplant can prevent and cure bacterial leaf spot disease, and can be sprayed with 77% of WP, 600 times of bacteria, and 47% of ruthenium WP.

Whether it is wintering cultivation or early spring nursery, since January is the lowest temperature in a year, it should be kept warm and dehumidified. In addition, it is sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate + brown sugar to resist cold, 68% Jinlei Granules 600 times liquid. Irrigation, 68.75% easy to protect 600 times liquid spray to prevent cold damage.
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