Winter turn spring pesticide discharge gray mold

Seasonal alternation in the winter and spring, the gray mold in the vegetable shed began to wreak havoc, threatening the harvest of amaranth, and applying pesticides to physically and chemically destroy gray mold.
With the growth and development of amaranth, the condition gradually worsens, and can continue in the late April of the next year, severely reduced production by 20% - 30%, and the diseased leaves are often accompanied by mildew, which makes the quality decline. The prevention and treatment method is: selecting resistant varieties such as Huangmiao, Keji No. 1, Zhongyu No. 2, and ferrets. Use no drip film, timely release air, reduce the humidity inside the shed, and timely remove the diseased leaves buried or burned. At the beginning of the disease, foliar spray 50% carbendazim WP 500 times solution, or 70% methyl thiophanate 800 times solution, or 50% moldy WP 1000 times solution, or 50% phlegm hygroscopicity Powder 1500 sputum, 40-50 kg per acre, spray once every 5-7 days, even spray 2-3 times. Pay attention to the medication. In case of cloudy days, it is best to use chlorothalonil or keering smoke to prevent and cure.
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