The control effect is the result of the comprehensive effect of pesticide on a certain control object under certain environmental conditions. There are three main factors affecting the efficacy of pesticides:
(1) Factors of pesticide itself: The chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of action, dosage and processing properties of pesticides directly or indirectly affect the efficacy. For example, chlorpyrifos is effective against many lepidopteran pests, but not for mites; the effect of controlling lepidopteran pests with 20 ml and 40 ml per acre is quite different. According to the control object, the type of crop and the period of use, choose the appropriate pesticide variety, dosage form and dosage.
(2) Factors for prevention and treatment: There are differences in living habits of different pests and diseases. Even if the same disease or pest, the response to different pesticides or similar pesticides is different due to different developmental stages, often manifested as control effects. difference. For example, the grass can be effective against most grass weeds and is not effective against broadleaf weeds; monocrotophos has a good effect on the first and second instar larvae of cotton bollworm, but it is less effective for larvae after 3 years old.
(3) Environmental factors: environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, rain, light, wind, soil properties, etc., directly affect the physiological activities of pests and diseases and the performance of pesticides, and the results will affect the efficacy of pesticides. For example, the herbicides acetochlor , trifluralin, laso, and dur are used at the same dosage. The herbicidal effect is poor during drought, and the herbicidal effect is high under suitable soil moisture conditions. The effect on sand land is significantly higher than that in It is used in the ground where the organic matter content is high. The phoxim is easy to decompose and is ineffective. Therefore, before using pesticides, it is necessary to master its performance characteristics, biological characteristics of the control object; in the application process, make full use of all favorable factors to control adverse factors, in order to achieve the best control effect.