US researchers plan to use wireless microwave signals to charge mobile phones

Many consumers continue to make more demands on the battery life of mobile phones. Researchers at Duke University in the United States are developing a new technology that can efficiently convert wireless microwave signals into electrical energy to easily charge mobile phones. Some commentators said that this means that the mobile phone may no longer need a charger in the future.

The press communique issued by Duke University recently stated that, in principle, this technology is similar to solar panels, but it does not convert light energy but satellite signals, wireless network signals and other microwave signals. The key to its success lies in Produce "supermaterials" that can "capture" and convert many forms of wave energy.

In the experiment, the researchers inserted five fiberglass sheets on a circuit board and connected them with copper wires to make a simple "supermaterial" circuit that can "capture" microwave signals. According to the researchers, this circuit has a low manufacturing cost, but its energy conversion efficiency is 36.8%, which is comparable to the conversion efficiency of solar panels. The device's output voltage is 7.3 volts. In contrast, the output voltage of a USB charger for small and medium-sized electronic devices in everyday life is only about 5 volts.

Researchers said that when the relevant technology is mature, this "supermaterial" circuit may be made small enough to be integrated into the cell phone to use various microwave signals to charge the cell phone. "So far many of the work on 'supermaterials' has been theoretical, and our research shows that 'hypermaterials' are of great use in consumer electronics." (Reporter Lin Xiaochun)


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