Comparison of the performance of broken aluminum windows and steel doors and windows

[]Aluminum alloys in broken bridges are much stronger than plastic steel windows in wind pressure resistance. In most cases, steel linings are not used. Aluminum alloys used in broken bridges have no problems in a 40-storey residential building. They can fully satisfy the requirements. Anti-typhoon requirements. In this regard, the plastic doors and windows do not do so well, and now do high-level use of plastic windows, a long time will leak, and the wind will tremble.

The durability of foreign research data shows that broken bridge aluminum alloy has been used in Europe for more than 30 years, Wen Zhixin plastic profiles are tested according to European standards for accelerated aging test for 6000 hours, and the performance has reached and greatly exceeded the requirements of European newer EN12608-2002, in the profile Nothing is controversial. Broken aluminum alloy on the aluminum alloy itself is good durability, but because the dowels, rail material is non-aluminum metal, practice has shown that electrolytic corrosion occurs, many old aluminum alloy doors and windows are not flexible due to this reason.

In summary, broken aluminum windows: good heat insulation, sound insulation, high strength, airtightness, good water-tightness, good anti-theft performance, and long service life.

Plastic steel window: economical, easy to change color, low strength, poor sealing, poor fire resistance, easy to aging.

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