Adsorbent ion pump advantages and disadvantages

[Asia Fluid Network News] getter ion pump can be divided into evaporative ion pump and sputter ion pump. These two kinds of getter vacuum pumps are widely used in controlled thermonuclear reaction devices, accelerators, space simulation devices and electronic devices. Their main advantage is simple maintenance, simple operation, and will not cause pollution, for industrial and scientific research and production are of great significance. With the continuous development of economy in our country, it is of great significance to study the insufficiency of getter ion pump. Only by continuous improvement can we improve the competitiveness of our products. Getter ion pump Next introduces the advantages and disadvantages of getter ion pump: The advantages of getter ion pump: 1, getter ion pump in the process of accidental exposure to the atmosphere will not be damaged; 2, suction Gas ion pump structure is simple; 3, gettering ion pump operation and maintenance easy; 4, getter ion pump oil-free pollution; 5, getter ion pump can be installed in any position on the container; getter ion pump Of the shortcomings: 1, inert gas pumping speed is small; 2, sputtering ion pump must be under about 10 Pa pressure to start; getter ion pump working principle is to be pumping gas molecules ionization, and in the electromagnetic field or A vacuum pump trapped by the getter under the action of an electric field to the adsorption surface of the pump. The advantages of the getter ion pump are many, but at the same time there are still some shortcomings. After that, the related staff of iontophoresis ion pump should pay more attention to the research and improvement of this product. Because the market of our country is increasing constantly, The demand is very urgent, the getter ion pump wants to have a certain market share, to study its advantages and disadvantages is a very necessary and effective issue. Related Articles: Advantages and Disadvantages of Diffusion Pumps Steam Jet Vacuum Pumps Pros and Cons

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