Nicosulfuron is a sulfonylurea systemic herbicide widely used in agricultural production. It is widely used in corn production because it can effectively control field weeds after corn emergence and has less dosage. It has strong selectivity, stable drug effect, is not affected by soil surface humidity, can be mixed with other herbicides, and is relatively safe for corn. It is widely used in common corn field weeding and has become a special weeding after corn emergence. Agent. However, improper use is also easy to produce phytotoxicity. In practice, the following points should be noted:
1. Strictly control the time and dosage of the drug, in the 3-5 leaf stage after the corn seedling, the annual weed 2-4 leaf stage, the perennial weed 6 leaf stage, 4% nicosulfuron suspending agent per acre 50-100 ML, spray 30 kg with water. More than 6 leaves of corn are susceptible to phytotoxicity. Increasing the amount of drug used and increasing the concentration can not significantly improve the herbicidal effect, but it is easy to produce phytotoxicity;
2. Improve the level of application and field work standards. Use a good performance sprayer, spray evenly, no heavy spray, no leakage. The amount of water used per mu is small, the spray is uneven, the spray strips are overlapped, and the leakage of the liquid and the like causes excessive local spray volume, which is easy to cause phytotoxicity;
3, after the 6-leaf stage of the corn should be directed spray, to avoid contact with the corn leaf, the choice of wind-proof nozzle, in the absence of wind or wind less weather;
4. The spray container should be cleaned and the sprayer applied with the herbicide should be thoroughly cleaned in time, otherwise the residual liquid will easily cause phytotoxicity;
5. Nicosulfuron should be used with caution in the cultivation of green corn (sweet corn and waxy corn) and inbred lines (including hybrid seed production).
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